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Karo Hämäläinen, Salla Savolainen

Hooray for Helsinki!

Our Very Own City

Hooray for Helsinki! Our Very Own City is published to celebrate Helsinki as the World Design Capital 2012. The same year also sees Helsinki celebrating its 200th anniversary as the capital city of Finland.

Finnish design is known for the Aalto vase and Marimekko fabrics, but it is also a lot more. Our everyday life is full of objects and services which are often taken for granted. Hooray for Helsinki! Our Very Own City contains both information about design as well as an entertaining story about a family's summer day out. Join us on an exciting adventure in Helsinki, Finland's very own capital city, and discover the background and details of Finnish design.

Hooray for Helsinki! Our Very Own City is published in Finnish, Swedish and English. Also, don't forget MiniHelsinki, the little picture book created from the illustrations in this book. It is great for anyone interested in all things Helsinki, regardless of their age or nationality!Part of the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 programme.

Karo Hämäläinen Salla Savolainen

Karo Hämäläinen Karo Hämäläinen
Kuva: Harri Hinkka
Salla Savolainen Salla Savolainen
Kuva: Veikko Somerpuro

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